AHHH...Charley rolled over from her back to her belly for the first time today. Of course the battery to my video camera is dead and the charger is missing. UGH (a replacement will cost me 70$!!), so I am searching and searching!!
Anyways, here she is just about all the way over. She is still trying to get the hang of getting that one arm from underneath her, but she did it several times today. Another milestone--my baby is getting too big!!
Hope everyone had a great day!

Awww, way to go, Charley!
Yay! So how far are you from Atlantic City? I live 20 minutes outside of Atlantic City. =)
Mom photographer play date?!!
Awww yay for rolling over!! WTG Charley!
yeah!!!! big girl :) what a cutie!
Way to go! Can't believe she's so big.
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