Meet Minnie, Holly's fish! Miss Holly is a HUGE HUGE HUGE Mickey and Minnie Mouse fan (can I stress that enough..haha). So, when we stumbled upon this fish while fish shopping a few months ago, we knew we definitely had to get one! We actually bought 2 (Mickey has since taken the trip to fishie heaven). But Minnie is still going strong. Can you see why we would name them Mickey and Minnie? Notice the tail fin? How cool is that??? They are actually called Mickey Mouse Platys.
I worked later then I thought I would last night, so I ended up sleeping later and had tons of errands to do today, so I didn't really take too many pictures today. But we were in the girls room early and I just happened to spot Minnie and thought I would give her some attention.
**Settings for you Kellie :) I had the lights off in the room (it was dark out). The aquarium light was on. Settings: SS 1/20 F5.6 lens 18-55mm (D40x kit lens) ISO 1600.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

How cool! I have never seen one of those before! :) Kanyon loves mickey... I'm sure he'd think that was great.
Beautiful clarity and color! We got Aiden two goldfish a few months ago but they didn't make it and the tank is 1/2 evaporated in his room because we are in mourning (read: lazy). I've never seen this kind before.
I like the way she is close to the gravel and you used that is a "backdrop" so to speak.
Good shot!
That's a beautiful fish photo! I haven't seen one of those before! I love the colors!
very cool! sammie's loves mickey/minnie too :) can you tell us how you shot that? what lens? settings?
we have red platys! i will have to post a shot.. Brodie wants the mickey kind too .. lol
love your photo!!!
that is a really cool fish!
Brilliant color, cool fish!
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