Friday, January 11, 2008

Day #11-Knit...purl...knit...purl...

LOL that is what has been going through my head lately! I decided the other day that I was going to try my hand at knitting again. I pretty much have the whole knit, purl thing down, I want to make something other than scarves however! At least it is something I can do while I am watching TV or just sitting with the kids!! It is a little easier to do then sewing since I can still keep an eye on them.

Kind of a boring pic is rainy and cold...the kids and I are bumming.
So, anyways...I need to post this before my connection drops again. It has been in and out all day man is coming tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what you come up with.. other than a scarf. lol :0)
I have a new blog here.. I added your page on my links. lol
Hope your connection gets fixed ASAP!

Kellie Gray said...

neat photo :) I too had to get creative today LOL It was a long day with too much to do and not enough time.

Learn to knit on double pointed needles! SO easy and you can makes hats very simply :) I have made two hats! I am pretty impressed with myself hehe