I had to work last night and go back in tonight so I didn't have much time to play with ol' camera today. BUT, Alison brought home VERY GOOD report card!! Mostly all *G's* and her teacher reports excellence in Math and Reading!! I am so proud at how well she is doing in school. So, here she is holding up her report card, nice and proud :)
Have a great night!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Day #31--Report Card Day!!
Posted by
4:29 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Day #30--I just love her!
Nothing much more to say...LOL...I just love this kidlet so much! :) Just a snap from playtime on the floor. I work tonight--I have a few more pictures, just don't have the chance to go over them right now. Hope everyone has a good night!! I hope to blog stalk in a few days. I miss reading and commenting on everyone's blog. To those who have visited me and to those who have commented. THANK YOU :)
Posted by
4:15 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Day #29-Waking up!
Just a snapshot today... Charlotte always has a smile on her face when she wakes up. Very rarely does she wake up crying. Most of the time, I don't even know she is awake until she starts talking to herself. When I go to get her out of her cosleeper she has this HUGE smile on her face and she gets so excited! I love it, it puts a smile on my face no matter how tired I am.
*a little side note* Now that she is rolling over, we need to do away with the cosleeper. She has yet to try, but the possibility is always there. SO, I have a decision to make. I put her in bed with me when she nurses at night, but then I put her back because most nights Chase the moose winds up in my bed. He is uncontrollable at night...I fear of what things (unintentionally of course) he could do because she is still so small. So, I am not sure if I should break out the crib or try cosleeping full time. OY!!
Have a great night :)
Posted by
5:43 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Day #28-Goofball Cat!
Don't worry she gets plenty of water, she just likes to drink out of cups. LOL!! Was super busy cleaning out the garage today, didn't really get a chance to pick up my camera, but I saw Abby doing this, I had to snap her :)
Have a great night!

Posted by
7:17 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Day #26--Holly
I actually took this yesterday. I had no time to take pics today. So, I am posting one of my faves from yesterday. :) Holly was playing dress up yesterday with Alison's ballerina dance costume. She absolutely LOVES to dress up.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Posted by
8:44 PM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Day #24--It's Me!
HAH, well here I am. New haircut and a busted eye. LOL. I chopped my hair the other day, it isn't what I wanted, but there isnt' much you can do to correct it, considering the length. SO, I am gonna have to deal and just keep telling myself, it is hair, it will grow back! Just gotta find a way to style it the way I can tolerate it. BLAH. Chase, I believe snapped this one. I sometimes put my camera on my tripod and let the kids take a picture. I can't remember who took this one...but they get a kick out of it!!
My left eye is really irritated. I must have gotten something in it and just kept itching and itching it...it eventually got swollen and red. It is looking a little better but as you can tell, it is still a little swollen. So, until then just call me Popeye. LOL!!!
Have a great night :)

Posted by
4:39 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Day #23--Rolie Polie Charley!
AHHH...Charley rolled over from her back to her belly for the first time today. Of course the battery to my video camera is dead and the charger is missing. UGH (a replacement will cost me 70$!!), so I am searching and searching!!
Anyways, here she is just about all the way over. She is still trying to get the hang of getting that one arm from underneath her, but she did it several times today. Another milestone--my baby is getting too big!!
Hope everyone had a great day!

Posted by
8:55 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Day #22--Road Lights!
We headed out to the river once it started getting dark, I wanted to get a picture of the Philadelphia skyline at night. I knew it wasn't going to be promising considering the yucky rain but I had high hopes! I never did get a good picture. The water was really rough and the clouds just made all the lights glow more then I wanted. It was just too much blur, even with a tripod. Disappointed, we headed home. Ah well.
So, I decided to play while riding down the road. Got some fun shots of all the lights passing by.
Have a great night!
Posted by
9:10 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Day #21--Sucker!
I am sure many of you recognize that yummy lollipop. A wonderful find in the 1$ bin at Target! I bought hmmm about 28 of them....LOL! I got them to give away to Ali's class for Valentine's Day and some extras for the kiddies!
I let Chase loose with one on black canvas. HA, every picture I took looks exactly like this. LOL!! He wouldn't take it out for a second! I have to admit, it was a yummy flavor!
I work tonight. So this is a quickie post!! :)
Have a great night :)

Posted by
4:27 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Day #20--Abby
ACK! I am so late today.
Abby is my night time companion. Most of the time when I am off, DH is working. So, when the kids go to bed, I am by myself at night (which is nice...the only quiet time I get while I am awake!...ha)--Abby keeps me company. Sometimes, she will sit on my lap and cuddle with me. Other times, she is at my feet laying on a blanket I have sprawled out for her (as I type this, she is giving herself a bath...LOL). Abby is 8 months old, she is HUGE--full of fur and super soft!! I had to show this one too...this is her when we first got her. She was a tiny little fur ball.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Posted by
10:28 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Day #19--Happy 80th Grandmom!
We threw an 80th birthday party for my Grandmom today. It was great to get together with everyone to celebrate the life of an amazing person! I tried to wedge myself in and get a shot of her blowing out her "aged to perfection" candle, but it was just too snug. I managed to snap one anyways, along with heads and hands...LOL. *she is the one holding Charley*
She doesn't actually turn 80 until tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Grandmom. LOVE YOU!!

Posted by
9:29 PM
Labels: 80th birthday, family
Friday, January 18, 2008
Day #18--Minnie the Fish
Meet Minnie, Holly's fish! Miss Holly is a HUGE HUGE HUGE Mickey and Minnie Mouse fan (can I stress that enough..haha). So, when we stumbled upon this fish while fish shopping a few months ago, we knew we definitely had to get one! We actually bought 2 (Mickey has since taken the trip to fishie heaven). But Minnie is still going strong. Can you see why we would name them Mickey and Minnie? Notice the tail fin? How cool is that??? They are actually called Mickey Mouse Platys.
I worked later then I thought I would last night, so I ended up sleeping later and had tons of errands to do today, so I didn't really take too many pictures today. But we were in the girls room early and I just happened to spot Minnie and thought I would give her some attention.
**Settings for you Kellie :) I had the lights off in the room (it was dark out). The aquarium light was on. Settings: SS 1/20 F5.6 lens 18-55mm (D40x kit lens) ISO 1600.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Posted by
9:17 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Day #17-It's Snowing!
I am heading back to work in just a little bit. I can't wait to blog stalk this weekend :) LOL!! This is what I woke up to this afternoon. SNOW!! Just a few days late!! It was suppose to snow the other night, but the storm ended up moving to quickly, so it was never able to change over to snow when it hit us. We weren't suppose to get snow this time, according to the weather yesterday. We got it anyways!! The flakes were HUGE when I first woke up but by the time I got to my camera, they were just normal size flakes. BUMMER.
This is the view from my front door. Maybe tomorrow there will still be enough on the ground to get the kids playing outside in it! Not sure how much we will be getting.
I gotta go get ready for work, I only work til 1am tonight so it shouldn't be too bad!
Have a great night :)

Posted by
4:46 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Day #16--Charley!
WOW, this is really saturated and really grainy but me likie!! LOL. I did a little shoot with Charley today. Her age is catching up to me and she has changed so much. I wanted to get some photos of her!
Tonight is a worknight, so blogging will be scarce for a few days. WAH! I have the weekend so I will be able to take lots of pics!
Posted by
1:49 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Day #14--Sundae Monday...
YUM!! The kids and I had ice cream for dessert tonight. They had cones while I went all out and made a sundae. It is very hard for me to turn down a hot fudge sundae!! Especially one with extra maraschino cherries! Looking at the picture, now I think it is just a big ol bowl of slop. LOL!! Who cares, what it looks like...IT WAS DELISH!! :)
Ahh well, the day was rainy, I slept a lot of it away. (BOO!). So, I wasn't inspired. But in reality, I am liking it...it makes me think and utilize what I have at the moment. I need some practice...but I will get it. :) I am so use to photographing the kids all the time...I rarely take pictures of non-animate objects. This blog is going to FORCE me to think outside the box and actually photograph things I would otherwise look away from.
Happy Monday!

Posted by
7:21 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Day #13--Thumb Sucker!
I actually took this last night before I headed off to work. I slept all day today because I have to go back in tonight (bah). I wanted to post this because none of my other kiddies were thumb suckers. Charlotte seems to have taken a liking to it.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. I am off to get ready for work. It is suppose to snow tonight--wahoo. Not really, but think of the photography possibilities. LOL!!
Goodnight. **Don't forget you can click on the pic to enlarge it..>I always forget myself so just a reminder to those that forget too...LOL**

Posted by
4:05 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Day #12-Movement (experimenting).
I work tonight, so my post is early.
I have been wanting to practice with slow shutter speeds to portray movement through blur. I didnt' really have a rhyme and reason and the light was so working against me (one of the rare days when you wish you didn't have all that light!). I was just playing around with Alison and Holly dancing in the living room. This is my first time doing this so I want to keep practicing and I can't wait for the chance to actually utilize this type of photography in a different setting!! I have used it for fireworks and have done it driving in the car but want to do something REALLY COOL with it!! Oh and having a tripod would help too, except...I cant' find it! BOO!Here is Alison..I tried to get her to dance, pause and then dance again, pause, etc...but you can't tell a crazy child to sit still...LOL!! I need more time to practice with different shutter speeds. So, this is my sad sad attempt for today...LOL!! I know, you can all laugh...I am just putting my experimentation out here!! If anyone has any tips...please feel free to drop them by!! Thank you!
Hope you are all having a great weekend :)

Posted by
3:29 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Day #11-Knit...purl...knit...purl...
LOL that is what has been going through my head lately! I decided the other day that I was going to try my hand at knitting again. I pretty much have the whole knit, purl thing down, I want to make something other than scarves however! At least it is something I can do while I am watching TV or just sitting with the kids!! It is a little easier to do then sewing since I can still keep an eye on them.
Kind of a boring pic today...it is rainy and cold...the kids and I are bumming.
So, anyways...I need to post this before my connection drops again. It has been in and out all day today...repair man is coming tomorrow!!
Posted by
3:42 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Day #10-Belly Time...
Charley isn't a big fan of belly time, so I whenever I need to put her down, I have been putting her on her belly. I took a moment and just had to snap some photos up of her earlier today. The WB was horrible (her skin was green and orange and I didnt' even want to attempt to fix it) so I opted to convert to black and white and roughened it up a little bit.
I have to run and do somethings before I do my nightly blog stalking. Looking forward to everyone's post!! Thank you to all who have viewed and commented...it is nice to know you guys are out there!! :)
Good night!

Posted by
6:57 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Day #9-Seamstress' in Training..
**I missed yesterday...I worked the night before and had to go in that night. I barely got any sleep...so I wasn't able to snap anything and post it.**
Alison and Holly are always in awe when I whip out my sewing machine (though I haven't done it in a long time). So, today while picking up some things at Target, I came across their clearance section. Hello Kitty sewing machine was on clearance, got it for half price!! The girls were WAY too excited! I am just teaching them straight stitch right now on scrap fabric, after some practice we will go on to actually making something simple. Then, we will see how much patience I have...LOL!!Here is their new toy :) Ironically, Abby our kitty was in the background---HELLO KITTY! HA HA*
Well, I am off to check out everyone's post today!!
Take care and Happy Snapping :)

Posted by
9:34 PM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Day #7-4 Months Old Today!
We had a beautiful day today, so we hit the park. It was nice to get the kids out of the house! Hey! It was nice for me and DH as well.Today is Charlotte's 4 month birthday! She seems to know it too (she is holding up her fingers)!! I thought it was very appropriate photograph for today!! It was her first time in the swing--she LOVED it. She started to fall asleep after a while. The sun was very much against me today...it was behind Charlotte and because I don't have a hood, the glare was horrible!! Mean sun!
I have to work tonight so this is an early post! I work tomorrow night as well. I will be forcing myself to get a picture up. Going to check out everyone's blog on Wednesday. It has been fun peeking into everyone's life!! Thank you for sharing...and thank you to those who visit me :)
Take care and Happy Snapping!

Posted by
4:01 PM
Labels: Charlotte
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Day #6-Noodles and Peas
Wasn't able to make it to the grocery store in time to make a nice lunch today, so we had to settle for Ramen noodles. Tried to yummy them up just a little bit with some peas--my absolute favorite. Could never get sick of them! I put them on a lot of things. So, ta da...a pic of one of my favorite things!! ;)
Posted by
4:49 PM
Labels: peas, ramen noodles
Saturday, January 5, 2008
My first post. Day #5 :)
This if my first post in the Project 36(6) 2008! I am late, I wanted to start in the beginning this year, but sometimes life has other plans! Ah well.
Took the Christmas tree down today which in turn opened up the living room and let in tons more light! Definitely had to take advantage of all the extra light! The kids were so cooperative-that was an amazing thing! Charlotte (as you can see in the picture) has started to really chomp on her fists and fingers and has given me a few gummy bites as well. SO, we might be looking at teefers coming in soon. YIKES!!
I am going to be posting more pictures from today in my other blog.
I need to give this blog a facelift! Please if you are participating in the project...leave me a comment and I will add your link! Can't wait to share this year with you all!!

Posted by
6:27 PM