Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sniffles, shivers and snotties...OH MY!

I have skipped numerous days (obviously). The problem is I am sick, sick, sick. I haven't even touched my camera. BOO. Yesterday we had a HUGE ice storm that soon melted away to warmer temps and yucky rain that continued on all day today. ON top of being sick a dreary rainy day isn't what I needed!!

The girls started dance class today and I unfortunately missed it because I don't think I would have survived 2 hours there. Missed a photography moment there.

Then Alison needs 100 things for the 100th day of school tomorrow. She came up with 100 kisses to go with the theme of Valentine's Day. I bet it would have been a cute photo op there too...but nope...not once did I think of that camera. Poor thing!

So, I am sitting here in my office with the space heater on full blast and just feeling so toasty!! I don't want to leave. LOL!! But I must go to bed and get some rest. I know as soon as I get up, i am going to get the chills. ILK.

I have a new template. Not sure I like it but my head is fuzzy so I will try again another day when I feel a little more clear headed!!

Good night and Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather!
You poor thing!! I am so sorry you're not feeling well! I hope you are able to get lots of rest (you know...lots for a mommy of four ;) I will be thinking of you and praying for you today (if that's okay? :)))) LOVE the new template! :))

Kellie Gray said...

Ughh ... so sorry you are sick and missed those photo ops ... I know how bad that feels!

I like the new layout! Very cool :)