Monday, February 4, 2008

Day #35--First time...

in the highchair. We are transitioning Charley into the highchair in preparation for solids. She has shown no interest whatsoever so we haven't started solids yet, but I hate not including her at the dinner table. She loves it!!



Kellie Gray said...

such a big girl!

Anonymous said...

no no no! She is not sitting in the chair! lol
Has she popped any teeth yet? I have a feeling Mason is going to pop them very early.. He has been drooling like a mad man, a runny nose and chewing on his hands like crazy! How early is too early for that?? lol
Anyways.. I love this photo of Miss. Charley. Her smile is so infectious! You are a lucky MOmma

Jaime said...

Aww. Look at that grin!! Can she get any cuter?!!

Careful, once she eats solids-you will blink and she will be 2. That's where I'm at now. haha