Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day # 34--Mirror, Mirror...

ACK this is postdated, sorry about that. I am officially a "cheater, cheater pumpkin-eater!!". LOL

AND Photobucket is down...bummer...I will have to load directly from puter. YUCK.

Sorry to disappoint my fellow bloggers. I had a major FUNK this weekend, not sure what exactly is was, but I had to take a personal. I did take pictures, just snapshots...and I am going to post them but I know that I officially do not have a perfect score. BOO.

I also managed to make it out with some very old friends on Saturday. I haven't been out in a very very long time. I didn't realize how badly I needed a night like that until I was actually out.

Anyways...the picture. Cousin-in-law had a Grand Re-opening of her dance studio. We took the kids because we are going to be signing them up very soon. They had a blast! Especially Chase who had so much room to just run and run and run. The mirrors were just too awesome for him!



Kellie Gray said...

hahaha I could have written this post! Chase is such a cutie! Love it!

Anonymous said...

She's back!!! I missed you! Sorry to hear about your funk :0( I know all about that. But I am glad you got to get a night out with some old friends.. nothing beats good friends and feeling like you have a name other than.. 'Mom' sometimes. heehee
Love this shot of Chase. He is so cute.. Brodie would have loved that room full of mirrors.
Glad you are posting again!!
Loveya - Chev