Monday, February 25, 2008

Day #55--Tick Tock...a slow clock!

They say a broken clock is right 2 times a day...well what about a clock that is SLOOOWW??? LOL. This clocks battery has been running low for (embarssing) months. The problem is it is mounted in our foyer that is really really high and not accessible without a tall ladder. I don't dare attempt this...not for a second (no pun intended). The time was about 9:10pm when I took this photo. (just a little off ;) )


rsr said...

I love huge clocks!! We just bought a really big one for our living room!!! That's too funny about it being slow - do you catch yourself constantly looking at it? :))
Have a great night!

Cristal said...

Ha! I have a slow clock in my classroom. It always ticks me off (no pun intended there either) because it makes me feel like the day is dragging by. But then at the end of the day, it makes me happy because I think, 'Wow! It's time to go home? I thought we still had two hours to go!' LOL

Niecey said...

Great photo though. There's a photo op in everything, even broken clocks. nice work.

Anonymous said...

Uhg.. I have the same thing in my bedroom.. I am wayyyy too short to reach it.. so it is going to stay that way for 4 more months. lol