Wednesday, April 2, 2008

If I have managed to cling on to any readers...

I just want to apologize for not posting anything lately. Charlotte--my sweet little baby Charlotte has turned into a nighttime demon! She went from sleeping 12 hours straight to getting up non stop. Not sure what is up...possibly a growth spurt or just normal 6-7 month regression..THE STINKER! NO clue! So, understandably, I am exhausted. I want nothing more to do then just sit on my lazy butt...LOL and veg!! Unfortunately, I have a fiesty almost 2 year old who keeps me moving. I worked the last few nights so I have had very little sleep on top of it all *CUE THE VIOLINS* now please! LOL. I am really not complaining just making up an excuse as to why i haven't touched my pretty camera lately. BUT--i have a whole week off AND Chase's birthday party is Saturday so I have NO excuses!!

Oh yeh so what am I still doing up, now that the kids have gone to bed? WELLLL, working night shift plays lovely tricks on you sometimes.

Heather :)


melissa said...

Do they all do it around this age?!?!? Jackson was a great sleeper until about then and wow, was he a stinker too. Luckily we're back to normal now.

Hope you get some sleep.

Info for you said...

why do you think I gave up my 365 blog? I just couldn't get it done! Maybe next year for me :)
Hope she starts sleeping for ya. Alex has NOT slept at all for me. He still gets up all night....

Lisa B said...

Ugh! All three of my kids went through that too. I hope you get more sleep soon. Tired mommy isn't good. :(

Anonymous said...

I think your doing great Heather! If it were me, I would have given up long ago! I'm looking forward to seeing birthday pics of Chase though - I hope he has a wonderful birthday!!