Friday, March 21, 2008

Dirty face :0)

Here is my buddy! Mr. C :) Dirty face and all! The kids played outside almost all day today, hubby was doing some much needed yard work.

I am in such a photography rut right now. I really need to break out of it! The weather seriously isn't helping matters any! I wish the real Spring would make an appearance. BLAH!!

Focus is soo totally off here too! My biggest pet peeve...LOL but I don't get many photos of his actual face (most of the time I get the back of his head...LOL) so I will take what I can get! and I love it :)


Candace Wilson said...

even out of focus that is a cute shot!! :D

Niecey said...

I think it looks wonderful. His eyes look sharp enough and that's a great b&w conversion. Beautiful. i love the muddy face :)

Anonymous said...

he is so sweet heather!! what a great shot! as mommy's we sometimes take what we can get letting go of the technical fussiness that is in us as photographers....he's absolutely beautiful - what a gift!! Happy Easter to you and your familY!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww! He is adorable.. focus spot on or not :0)
I love your b&w's The tones are always so pretty