Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day #13--Thumb Sucker!

I actually took this last night before I headed off to work. I slept all day today because I have to go back in tonight (bah). I wanted to post this because none of my other kiddies were thumb suckers. Charlotte seems to have taken a liking to it.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I am off to get ready for work. It is suppose to snow tonight--wahoo. Not really, but think of the photography possibilities. LOL!!

Goodnight. **Don't forget you can click on the pic to enlarge it..>I always forget myself so just a reminder to those that forget too...LOL**


Kellie Gray said...

She's adorable! I wish Alex would find his thumb! I am tired of putting his pacifier back in his mouth LOL

Take some snow pics! I miss snow so much!

Jill said...

How stinking CUTE !!!!

Anonymous said...

How precious! She is so sweet! Owen is a binky boy unless he is chewing on his thumb and/or other fingers! LOL!

Jaime said...

She looks so content! I just want to squeeze her cheeks!

Great job keeping up w/ the blog. I stalk it daily! haha