Monday, January 28, 2008

Day #28-Goofball Cat!

Don't worry she gets plenty of water, she just likes to drink out of cups. LOL!! Was super busy cleaning out the garage today, didn't really get a chance to pick up my camera, but I saw Abby doing this, I had to snap her :)

Have a great night!


Kellie Gray said...

hahahaha love it!

Chevy said...

lol Thanks for the giggles, Heather. I needed them tonight :0) Cutie patootie cat, you have there.

Anonymous said...

OMG that is hilarious!

Niecey said...

heehee this is so cool. You've gotta set it up and do one of those cat eating the goldfish photoshopped sequences.
this sort of thing

KrisEvans said...

omgosh, that is hilarious! what a beautiful cat too (I have a soft spot for calico cats)!