Thursday, March 13, 2008

Let's get sewing!

I skipped another day. BOO! But for good reason, I am having a baby shower for my sister on Sunday, so I am just tying up loose ends and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

Just a snapshot for today! Hubby put together my sewing table today because I have been dying to get my sewing stuff in working order again! Summer is coming and I can't miss out on making cute little Summer dresses for the girls and fun stuff for Chase too! :) We came across this table at IKEA (I am a huge IKEA junky). Hubby thought it would make a perfect table for my sewing machines (which were set up on my deep freezer)! UMM YEH why didn't I think of that? Doh!! Seriously, it is perfect. My machines fit on there perfectly and the best part is this HUGE drawer with sections inside. Everything at my fingertips! I can't wait to use it!! We set it up in the garage...which is the reason for the ugly rug and nasty walls and such. it will do for now. :)


Anonymous said...

Fun!! I wish we had an IKEA.. I would probably live there.
I can't wait to see what you make for the kids this spring/summer! And actually, I don't know if you have a Jo-Ann fabric store around you, but I got their mailer today and they are having a pattern sale the 27th-29th.. .99 on Simplicity patterns! You should check it out.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Your DH has a good eye! I was given a hand me down sewing machine by my MIL or GMIL (no one is quite sure whose it actually was before) and I'm really hoping to learn how to use it.