Friday, February 1, 2008

Day #32-Raindrops...

Raindrops on our back door...yes, I know pretty boring right? This pretty much sums up today. Rainy and cold and yucky!! Hoping the weekend is more promising :) We need to get out of the house, like WOAH! I have off, but hubby works--still might plan a trip to the aquarium or something. We will see...

Happy Friday.have a great weekend.


Jaime said...


What happened to you on SAturday and Sunday?!! You had a perfect score!!

Niecey said...

Not boring, I think it's very pretty.

Anonymous said...

hi heather!
sorry i've been "gone" for so long! we're finally moved in and are almost "settled" in terms of boxes put away etc. etc. thanks so much for your comments - they really do help me to keep going (when I'm going! :) I like the oneof your raindrops, very creative. I am continually inspired by other photog's ideas :) your little Charlie sure is getting big (grown up!) and those EYES!! Great shots of your kids too!!

Candace Wilson said...

oh I actually love it!! Kind of dreamy :D

Chevy said...

I really like this one, Heather. The mood is very much felt. lol
Hope you got out of the house and found something entertaining for all parties.